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A mission-driven church

We are a vibrant multi-cultural community with a long history of service to vulnerable populations, not only in Utah, but around the world.  We feed our friends on the streets and provide temporary housing for homeless families in our building, and reach out to support those in need in places like Pakistan and Guatemala.


If you are interested in participating in our ministries,

please contact our Church Office Manager.

801-328-8726 or by email at

Family Promise


FUMC is one of the original founding churches of Family Promise – Salt Lake. Family Promise supports families experiencing homelessness on their path back to stable housing with safe, private lodging in area churches, meals, case management, and hospitality. Two churches in the Salt Lake area have volunteered space in their buildings to house families in Emergency Shelter.  Volunteers can partner with FUMC to participate onsite at the shelter churches in the evening, stay overnight, or provide an evening meal. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for a shift anytime during the year and/or join us for our specific hosting weeks. Upcoming weeks for First United Methodist Church in 2024 are December 1-15.

Please contact us at if you are interested in volunteering. 


For more information:

Urban Center


FUMC was one of the founders of the center established in 1966 and we are active participants.  In addition to ongoing support of food and clothing, we participate in the July Golden Celery Food Drive that stocks the pantry with needed food for the summer months.

Follow for more information


Community Garden


In the heart of downtown Salt Lake City, nestled within the embrace of the First United Methodist Church, a new initiative springs to life: a community garden. As an extension of the church's profound love for its city and its commitment to serve its neighbors, the garden is a manifestation of faith in action.  Here, seeds of vegetables and fruits are sown alongside those of hope and community, a testament to the church's mission of merging the deep gladness of individual souls with the profound needs of the world.

Community Garden

Guatemala 2014 Team - Salud y Paz and Fi

Faith Journeys


We have assisted in building three of the five medical clinics run by Salud y Paz in Guatemala and host mission trips to provide desperately needed medical and dental care to the people in small villages. One of many exciting aspects is this is God’s effort, not ours. God does not wait for us but is already active in Guatemala. Today they are staffed mostly with Guatemalan medical and dental persons.  It is not our program but theirs and God’s. We are invited to join God’s effort already in progress.  Our next trip is planned for 2025.

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Movie Nights

The 2nd and 2nd Coalition
was founded to host “Movie
Nights” for our unsheltered neighbors when the temperatures drop dangerously low in our community.  This collaboration brings together several organizations including Unsheltered Utah, Our Unsheltered Relative, Air Protectors and First United Methodist Church of SLC.  FUMC has opened its doors at the corner of 2nd East and 2nd South in downtown Salt Lake City to provide a safe and loving environment where guests can stay warm and watch movies. Our first night was December 17, 2022 where we began hosting up to 85 people on the coldest nights in 2022 and 2023 (totaling 32 nights).  The Utah Homeless Council has announced that FUMC will be part of the upcoming winter plan for getting unsheltered people indoors 
To sign up – Click here

Music Ministry


The vision of the Music Ministry at FUMC is to Praise God.  Through music, we reach out to our diverse community in celebration, praise and worship of God’s grace and goodness. The Music Ministry Team selects music for worship, cultivates skills in choral singing for the Chancel Choir, provides musical opportunities for self-expression, and gives positive spiritual and social support to its members.   

The Chancel Choir provides the music for the 11:15am Sunday worship service from Sept - May. Chancel Choir Rehearsal is on Thursday's at 6:45pm 

Chancel Choir Sept 2023.jpg

Thanks for submitting!

203 S 200 E

Salt Lake City, UT 84111


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Office Hours:

Tues - Fri 9:00 am-2:00 pm

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