Worship Sunday at 11:15am
Turning Closed Doors into Open Tables
where Everyone Belongs
With this vision as a congregation, we faithfully participate in the ministries of the church and invite all to join us in our service to God and his children. To better understand how our congregation navigates our ministries, we use the following example: NASA’s vision is “Exploring Space” and their mission is landing on the moon or going to Mars. When they fulfill that mission, they use the phrase “Mission Accomplished.” With each ministry, FUMC participates in each ministry with the focus on our vision: Turning closed doors into open tables where everyone belongs.
Our ministries include supporting:
Mar 12 – Mar 18, 2023:
Hours of Service – 139.25
Volunteers – 8
June 4 – June 18, 2023
Hours of Service – 280
Volunteers - 15
Sept 21 – Oct 1, 2023:
Hours of Service –23
Volunteers -5
Dec 3 – Dec 17:
Volunteers needed - 10
FUMC donated 2,527.8 lbs of food this year in the annual July
Golden Celery Competition. This year, 16 congregations came
together and donated a total of 21,109.4 lbs. All of this food has
made it possible for us to continue serving people. Our two food
pantries gave away food to over 4,600 people during the month of
June. That is more than double the number of people we served
during the month of June in 2022. It is so amazing to have so many
people step forward to help make sure individuals and families have
enough to eat.