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The Ignatian Examen - Spiritual Practice


Each week of Lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter) we will be leaning a different spiritual practice to help us grow closer to God. This is the prayer practice for March 27th, 2022.

The Ignatian Examen is a prayer practice helps us reflect back on our day in the light of Christ’s love and grace, as we Examen both the good and the bad, looking to do better tomorrow.

1 - Begin with gratitude and give thanks to God for all that you have and for the gift of this day.

2 - Ask for the light of Christ to be with you in this time of prayer. To rest in the warm light of Christ’s presence and to see things in your life as they truly are.

3- Honestly look back over your day and reflect on all that has taken place asking:

What have I done, felt, or experienced today?

Where was God in my day? What felt holy and lifegiving? What graces did I experience today? Where did I experience love for myself, for God, and for others?

4 - After you have examined this part of your day, honestly look back on the things that has caused you pain, sadness, or anger. Spend some time acknowledging the things you did or did not do that caused harm or pain or were not what you wanted them to be. Hold before God your own shortcomings, not with shame or unkindness, but rather with the grace and love that God offers to us.

Allow God to hold both your joy and your sadness as you place them in God’s care.

5 – Finally, look forward to the day to come, reflecting on what you need to do tomorrow to right any wrongs that you have caused or to follow God more closely. Allow God to show you the way onward and ask for courage to do differently the things you want to change. Hold a moment of silence for all that has been and all that will be.

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