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October is Laity month, a time when we celebrate the ministry of Christians of all ages and all walks of life in the home, workplace, congregation, community, and world! One of the things I love about the United Methodist Church is that everyone in the church (not just the pastor) is seen as an equally important part of Christ’s ministry in the world. Laity in the United Methodist Church have great authority to lead the church, vision for the church, make the church into the Kin-dom of God that it is called to be. As a United Methodist Pastor, I know that my time in any one congregation will be limited, but I trust that the lay people – that’s You! – will continue to build up the church and build upon what each pastor brings to the congregation year after year, season after season. Thus, as we enter into Laity month, I wanted to remind you that you are important in the life of this church! Your gifts and graces and energies and passions are important to the mission and ministry of this place. The church would not exist without YOU and what God is doing through each one of your lives.

In celebration of this important role of laity in the church, this month we will be hearing from some of our own laity in worship, we will be supporting lay ministries such as Pinecliff Camp, and we will be remembering the saints who have gone on before us. We also encourage you to ask yourself these questions: Where do you feel called to serve in the church? What about church feels life giving to you right now? Where do you have passion and purpose to service? What new thing might God be calling you to do in this time? For without YOU, the mission and ministry of this church would not be possible.

As we move into this month of celebrating our laity, I pray that God will continue to reveal to you your purpose in your life and your purpose in your faith as you build up the Kin-dom of God – not only on Sunday morning, but in your workplace, in your family, in your community, and wherever you are. For God uses each of us to fulfill God’s work in the world. Blessings, Pastor AJ

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